Pontoon Boat Makeover

Well, I brought the pontoon boat home with intensions of pressure washing it and fixing a few of the torn cushions, buuuuuuttttt this happened instead!!!!

As you can see in the before pics it definitely needed a good wash at least. The carpeting was pretty bad though and very slippery when it got wet.
First thing I did was removed the seats. I just had to remove a few screws from each section to unsecure them from the floor.
And then I ripped up the carpeting. It came up fairly easy except a little strip down the middle. I was happy to see the floor was still in good shape.

I left the steering wheel counsel there because I did not want to monkey with the wires. So I just unscrewed it so I could move it just enough to cut the carpet out from under it.

Once the seats and carpet were removed I pressured wash the inside and the outside.

Then I taped off the metal areas and painted it black with Rust-Oleum Flat Black spray paint.

I think it turned out pretty good!

Next, was to build the benches. I made these two reclining benches from cedar (which we cut on our saw mill :) ) The cedar was a nice and lite wood choice. I used these plans and just altered them to my own size. And then stained/sealed them with Thompson's WaterSeal!

And these are the benches I made for the back of the boat. I didn't follow any plans, just winged it with my own carpentHER knowledge, lol.

I then made the cushions!!!! After calculating the cost it would be to buy cushions (why are outdoor cushions so expensive???) I decided to make my own. Not only was it way cheaper to make my own but I got pick out a fabric that I really love. The fabric is from fabric.com and it is a waterproof outdoor material. I used a twin sized foam mattresses (cut to size) for the seats and for the pillows I just used a standard pillow.

On to the flooring. We decided to use Astro Turf and I think this color combination ties everything in together!!!! I did not take photos of the process but it is pretty strait forward. I got 4 rolls of this artificial grass and rolled it out and screwed it down in the corners and along the edge. Some areas the carpet need to be cut to fit.

These front two benches can fold up to become a recliner and fold down to become a bench.

It's kind of like having a floating patio and we are ready for some summer fun at the lake!!!
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