Dollar Tree Clipboard Wall Art
Dollar Tree Clipboard + Spray Paint + A Print = inexpensive WALL DECOR!!!

Don't you just love when décor can be inexpensive? Easily turn this $1 clipboard from the Dollar Tree into wall art. All you need is a clipboard and some art. I spray painted my clipboard but you can certainly leave it as is. And then I just printed this Kitchen Conversions Chart on regular copy paper.
The process is pretty self-explanatory but enjoy this quick little video of the process.
Download - Print - Decorate

I love having this chat hanging in the kitchen so I no longer need to google for the conversion measurements.

Another fun idea is you could get a bunch of clipboards and create a gallery wall and you could easily change out the prints for seasonal décor. I think I may do that in my hallway.
If you have any questions send me a message.
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